Illawarra Christian Education

What is the Association?

Great question! The Association is a group of like-minded Christian people who have joined together to ensure that their goals of providing Christian education are met.

So what exactly is it?

Illawarra Christian School is operated by the Illawarra Association for Christian Parent-Controlled Education (Illawarra Christian Education).

The Association is primarily made up of Christian men and women from our school community and of all the schools operated by Illawarra Christian Education.

The Association is a group of like-minded Christian people who have joined together to ensure that their goals of providing Christian education are met. When the Association meets together, it is the prime decision-making body of the School. The Constitution, particularly the Educational Creed, provides the framework for the operation of the Association and its members.

The Association currently meets four times a year and is responsible for the election of the Board.

Joining the Association

How do I join? and why should I?

All Christian parents are encouraged to join the School Association and thereby participate in the running of the School. You do not have to have children at the School to be an Association member.

Becoming a member of the Association helps you to be involved in the School by:

  • nominating and electing people to the Board
  • making recommendations to the Board
  • voting on matters of interest to the School community
  • participating in task forces and sub-committees
  • becoming more informed about issues surrounding education today
  • getting to know other people in the School community.

Anyone is welcome to attend meetings of the Association, but only full members are entitled to vote. Please forward applications to

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